The first version of this article was made in 2004/2005, the interdiscipline called "Earth System Science" was still in the making, it only appeared on Wikipedia in 2009.
On an international scale, setting up programs to set up indicators, map and monitor all the systemic risks that could weigh on the planetary environment will appear - more and more - as a major priority.
It is interesting to note that these risks - over the years - are gradually taken into account, especially where long-term societal and economic issues are observed (World Forum, UN).
Biodiversity responds to the pressure that the environment exerts on living beings. The measurement of this biodiversity indirectly makes it possible to measure biological stress.
In the current state of knowledge and means of measurement, it seems difficult to assess biodiversity on the scale of entire regions: this cannot be envisaged other than locally. There are a few methods for this:
Biodiversity responds to the environment and the pressure it exerts; if such that within the framework of this study we are interested precisely in what disturbs this biodiversity, it is not necessarily useful to measure it directly, but rather to be interested in the pressures which the environment exerts.
This is assessed by listing the sources of biological stress.
It is expressed by attacks on the environment, it promotes the development of certain species to the detriment of many others. A "stressed" ecosystem will respond by an impoverishment in the absolute number of species to the benefit of a few that will occupy the most affected or even disappeared ecological niches.
"abundance": % of individuals of species i
"biomass": % of the biomass represented by species i
Drawing up a list of vulnerabilities is a task that should increasingly preoccupy future generations, all the more so as they will increasingly be confronted with global climate change.
For example, the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) is a measure that was devised by the South Pacific Applied Geosciences Commission (SOPAC), the United Nations Environment Program to characterize the relative severity of various types of problems environmental conditions suffered. EVI results are used to focus on planned solutions to negative pressures on the environment, while promoting sustainability.
These vulnerabilities are articulated according to a logic in 3 levels (cf, following chapter):
Also see Environmental Vulnerability Index on Wikipedia.
In any case, from these environmental factors, it is a question of finding measurable indicators and managing to identify the most important factors. It is necessary that these are measured over sufficiently long durations to be considered "relevant/critical". For example:
We can classify environmental risks according to their environmental sphere of origin. On U-Sphere this division was made:
Generally, volcanic dusts or explosions create a cooling of the earth's atmosphere, because reflecting a certain part of the solar energy in space and cooling the earth. However, very energetic cosmic rays do not interact much, but when this happens, they break the molecules of the upper atmosphere, typically CO2. This thwarts the greenhouse effect, and on the other hand, the broken molecules will recombine to form clouds of water vapor which will modify the alabedo of the planet and cause imbalances.
The Solar System is crossed by objects of different sizes that could represent a major risk for the Earth. These risks escaped until now any possibility of control, today the space agencies and NASA in particular set up surveillance programs like Sentry II.
The variability of solar activity and the little hindsight humanity has makes this risk still largely neglected.
Surface du sun
Solar Plasma
Interplanetary Magnetic Field EM fields generated by solar plasma (/EUV?)
Essentiellement une interface de stokage des aérosols, particules et de transformation de ceux-ci sous l'effet des températures et du rayonnement solaire.
Il s'agit ici de rétroactions liées à l'activité des espèces vivantes en relation avec les modifications environnementales et la modification d'équilibres.
(Ces causes n'étant pas strictement liées à l'hydropshère mais liées à des facteurs humains et écologiques exogènes)
Marqueurs/variables liées
il est essentiel à la biodiversité des espèces qui s'en nourissent, mais aussi pour répondre aux variations spatiales et temporelles des contraintes environnementales. Ainsi, la qualité d'un écosystème marin peut se baser sur la qualité du spectre "planctonique" (zooplancton et phytoplancton)
ce sont des marqueurs du climat passé et des niveaux de pollution.
Il s'agit de mesurer l'empreinte systémique au travers des activités humaines.
La survie de l'espèce et des équilibres environnementaux dépend en amont de la surveillance des paramètres listés précédemment.
L'environnement agit sur l'homme et en retour l'homme agit sur l'environnement : les facteurs d'évolution sociale sont donc à prendre en considération.
De même, l'évolution des moyens scientifiques et techniques (Technosphère) vont peser dans les interactions entre l'homme et son environnement, sur sa capacité à modifier l'environnement dans lequel il vit.
Voici donc des paramètres supplémentaires qu'il faudrait prendre en compte :
Nous réalisons ici un parallèle entre cette surveillance et la surveillance que pourraient réaliser d'autres espèces intelligentes dans l'univers, dans l'objectif de leur survie et/ou de la compréhension des systèmes écologiques qu'elles sont susceptibles de rencontrer.