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==[[Catalogue de cas]]==
Ce projet de base de données se veut: <b>libre, ouvert et coopératif</b>. Il n'est ni le fait d'une association, ni d'un particulier. Il est aussi transdisciplinaire.
'''An Open UAP Database Information System.'''
This project is part of [[Projets_sur_U-Sphere#Projet_2_-_Surveillance_de_l.27environnement_et_anticipation:_.22Ing.C3.A9rence.22_exotique_.3F|an assessment of the possible correlations between the UFO phenomenon (or UAP) and potential environmental risks (of natural or human origin) ]]
Aujourd'hui des dizaines de bases de données coexistent, chacune véhiculant leurs propres formats de description de l'information; générant à chaque fois des perspectives distinctes et s'imposant leurs propres exigeances en matière de vérification de l'information (enquêtes "à façon", voire pas d'enquête du tout). Rien qui ne soit compatible avec l'analyse scientifique.
De fait, il semble urgent et nécessaire de capitaliser les ressources existantes, afin de les rendre homogènes et accessibles par tous. Avec un effort supplémentaire à la fois sur le plan quantitatif et qualitatif.
==Project philosophy==
This database project aims to be: <b>free, open and cooperative </b>. These three words are important. This project is designed to be independent, it should not be the vector of any individualistic or selfish claim, marked with the seal of an organization or an individual. Where appropriate, the authors and sources of data cited are only cited for purely "operational" reasons, typically, in order to allow a better evaluation of the information collected.
Son objet est de mettre à la disposition des scientifiques du matériel ouvert et une certaine éthique en matière de publication, un effort devant être réalisé sur :
This project also wants to be transdisciplinary by the possibility that it should offer, in the long term, to use a large number of data sources,  ''not only ufological''. This should make it possible to cross various layers of data and to calculate their correlations in space and time.
* l'exhaustivité et la qualité de l'information collectée,
* l'identification systématique des sources d'information, (traçabilité),
* l'évaluation méthodologique de la crédibilité des informations.
* la contextualisation des phénomènes,
* le partage de l'information (sous différents formats).
Dans ce cadre, il s'agit ainsi d'élaborer et de publier standards et des méthodes de collecte et de distribution de l'information. Dans le but de "normaliser" les données et les rendre "prêtes à l'emploi"; ceci sans que l'on doive sans cesse s'en référer aux méthodes d'élaboration et de constitution des informations. Cette meta-base étant par essence totalement ouverte et transparente.
Today dozens of databases coexist, each conveying their own information description formats. They generate distinct perspectives and impose their own requirements in terms of verification of information (“custom” surveys, or no survey at all). However, scientific analysis does not support this lack of standardization.
However, good intentions are not lacking.
==Accès à la Base de données==
Also, additional work seemed urgent and necessary to be able to capitalize on existing resources, in order to make them homogeneous and accessible by all. Introducing an additional requirement on the quantitative and qualitative level also appeared interesting through this project and in order to allow the most rational evaluation possible of the information collected.
* Les cas sont numérotés de [[UFO:Cases:1]] à [[UFO:Cases:5703]].
** Par exemple, Valensole : [[UFO:Cases:2]]
Its purpose is to provide scientists with open material and a certain ethics in terms of publication, an effort to be made on:
* données saisies par [[Luc Chastan]] et sa base OVNI-france que je remercie vivement.
* the completeness and quality of the information collected,
* systematic identification of sources of information (traceability),
* the methodological evaluation of the credibility of the information.
* the  [http://www.u-sphere.com/context.php  contextualization of phenomena],
* information sharing (in different formats).
==== Modèles (templates) utilisés ====
In this context, it is thus a question of developing and publishing standards and methods for collecting and distributing information. In order to "normalize" the data and make it "ready to use"; this without having to constantly refer to the methods of elaboration and constitution of information. This meta-base being in essence totally open and transparent.
note: ''les cartes présentées ci-dessous sont normalement affichées lorsqu'associées à un cas'''.
==Access to the Datas==
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"
The wiki data was coupled to a geographical database. This is so that a modification of the cases via the wiki automatically leads to the updating of all the maps and data displayed. This mode of operation allows everyone to participate, as well as to keep a history and backup of modifications by the mechanisms specific to the wiki.
An [[Cartographie_des_Evenements|interactive map]] of the world allows you to move, zoom and click directly on the cases to view the detail (for this last feature you need to zoom enough, up to level 11 or lower - this can be quite slow considering large volume of data). The maps configured below can be consulted directly:
! width="20%" | Template !! width="50%" | Ce que cela affiche
|<iframe src="http://www.u-sphere.com/data/pan-france.html" frameborder="0" width="270" height="270" scrolling="no" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>
|<iframe src="http://www.u-sphere.com/data/pan-eire-uk.html" frameborder="0" width="270" height="270" scrolling="no" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>
|<iframe src="http://www.u-sphere.com/data/pan-australia.html" frameborder="0" width="270" height="270" scrolling="no" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>
| | <nowiki>{{</nowiki>
UFO:Event | ID_event=1 | Location=Rousset | state/region=Puy de Dômes (63)| Latitude=45.716 | Longitude=3.4 | Date=18 novembre 1979 | Time=Heure non connue | Type_Observation=Visuel : proche | Witnesses_Nb=1 | Description=Un automobiliste se trouve sur la route de Billom au lieu dit "Le Mas" quand il voit une boule bleutée dans le ciel. Elle semble stationnaire et pas très grosse. Soudain elle grossit et enveloppe la voiture d'une lueur bleu intense comme une soudure à l'arc électrique. Le moteur hoquete, le radio cassetee qui était en marche se met à accélérer et la bande magnétique se dévide jusqu'au bout. L'automobiliste s'arrête. Au-dessus de lui il entend un grésillement ou sifflement impressionnant. Puis tout se dissipe d'un coup. Le lendemain le témoin constate une certaine sensibilité à l'electricité statique. | Objects_Nb= 1 | Object_Type= Boule Lumineuse | Main_Color=Bleu | Brightness=Pas d'indication de luminosité | Weather=Pas d'indication météo | Physical_effect=Oui | Physical_description=Sifflement, Callage moteur, Affollement équipement élect | Witness_effect=Non | Witness_description= | Entities=Non | Entities_description= <nowiki>}}</nowiki>
|align="center"|[[UFO:Maps:uk|Grande Bretagne et Irlande]]
[{{SERVER}}{{localurl:Modèle:UFO:Event|action=edit}} Edit] <br>
[[Discussion_Modèle:UFO:Event|Discussion]] <br>
|{{UFO:Event | ID_event=1 | Location=Rousset | state/region=Puy de Dômes (63)| Latitude=45.716 | Longitude=3.4 | Date=18 novembre 1979 | Time=Heure non connue | Type_Observation=Visuel : proche | Witnesses_Nb=1 | Description=Un automobiliste se trouve sur la route de Billom au lieu dit "Le Mas" quand il voit une boule bleutée dans le ciel. Elle semble stationnaire et pas très grosse. Soudain elle grossit et enveloppe la voiture d'une lueur bleu intense comme une soudure à l'arc électrique. Le moteur hoquete, le radio cassetee qui était en marche se met à accélérer et la bande magnétique se dévide jusqu'au bout. L'automobiliste s'arrête. Au-dessus de lui il entend un grésillement ou sifflement impressionnant. Puis tout se dissipe d'un coup. Le lendemain le témoin constate une certaine sensibilité à l'electricité statique. | Objects_Nb= 1 | Object_Type= Boule Lumineuse | Main_Color=Bleu | Brightness=Pas d'indication de luminosité | Weather=Pas d'indication météo | Physical_effect=Oui | Physical_description=Sifflement, Callage moteur, Affollement équipement élect | Witness_effect=Non | Witness_description= | Entities=Non | Entities_description= }}
|<iframe src="http://www.u-sphere.com/data/pan-europe.html" frameborder="0" width="270" height="270" scrolling="no" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>
|<iframe src="http://www.u-sphere.com/data/pan-usa.html" frameborder="0" width="270" height="270" scrolling="no" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>
|<iframe src="http://www.u-sphere.com/data/pan-japon.html" frameborder="0" width="270" height="270" scrolling="no" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>
==== Synchronization with Google Maps====
The maps developed are based on a system of layers allowing synchronization of "Google Map" base maps with independent data. This mode of operation makes it possible to avoid having to go through Google's graphic APIs which are too cumbersome to manage the display of texts or vector objects, especially when the latter become numerous.
====Statistics related to the data displayed====
* Number of cases observed per week/month
** Filter possible on a date range
====Display criteria====
* Speed
* Size of observed objects
* Direction of disappearance
* Object having suddenly appeared or disappeared
===Direct Access===
* The cases are numbered from [[UFO:Cases:1]] to [[UFO:Cases:5703]].
** For example, Valensole : [[UFO:Cases:2]]
| | <nowiki>{{</nowiki>[[Modèle:Ref:Investigation|Ref:Investigation]]<nowiki> | Organization=Lincoln|Date=|Authors=Lincoln, Abraham; Grant, U. S.; & Davis, Jefferson|Date=|Studies=|Description=|Conclusion=|Credibility=}}</nowiki><br>
The numbering has no other meaning than to represent the order of entry and to serve as a unique identifier.
[{{SERVER}}{{localurl:Modèle:Ref:Investigation|action=edit}} Edit] <br>
[[Discussion_Modèle:Ref:Investigation|Discussion]] <br>
| {{Ref:Investigation|Organization=Lincoln|Date=|Authors=Lincoln, Abraham; Grant, U. S.; & Davis, Jefferson|Date=|Studies=|Description=|Conclusion=|Credibility=}}
===[[Catalogue de cas|Catalog of cases]] and search tool ===
|The [[Catalogue de cas|Catalog of cases]] offers a tabular mode of access to data, as well as various search tools.
==Data sources used==
A certain number of connectors are provided to allow the recognition of data from other sites by this tool.
* [http://baseovnifrance.free.fr The OVNI-france database] of Luc Chastan , whom I would like to thank for his cooperation and the availability of his data.
* [http://www.nuforc.org/ National UFO Reporting Center Online Database (NUFORC). English database.].
==Models (or templates) used for the database==
Les modèles ci-après sont pris en compte dès lors qu'il sont insérés dans une page nommée "UFO:Cases:xxx".
The models below are taken into account as soon as they are inserted into a page named "UFO:Cases:xxx".
* [[Mod%C3%A8le:UFO:Event]] : Template to use to enter a testimonial. There may be several testimonials per case.
** ''The cards featured in this template are notably activated when associated with a case page''.
* [[Mod%C3%A8le:Ref:Investigation]] : Template used to record case investigation reports. There may be several investigations per case.
{|width="100%"  align="center"|
|align="center"|<div style="align:center; margin: 1px; border: 1px solid #000000; background-color:#ffffff; width:125px;">
<div style="align:center; margin: 1px; border: 1px solid #ffffff; background-color:#000000; width:121px;">
&nbsp;[[image:NBCAS.gif]]&nbsp;</div><span style="font-size:9px;">Number of cases</span></div>

Latest revision as of 18:12, 24 juin 2022

An Open UAP Database Information System.

This project is part of an assessment of the possible correlations between the UFO phenomenon (or UAP) and potential environmental risks (of natural or human origin)

Project philosophy

This database project aims to be: free, open and cooperative . These three words are important. This project is designed to be independent, it should not be the vector of any individualistic or selfish claim, marked with the seal of an organization or an individual. Where appropriate, the authors and sources of data cited are only cited for purely "operational" reasons, typically, in order to allow a better evaluation of the information collected.

This project also wants to be transdisciplinary by the possibility that it should offer, in the long term, to use a large number of data sources, not only ufological. This should make it possible to cross various layers of data and to calculate their correlations in space and time.


Today dozens of databases coexist, each conveying their own information description formats. They generate distinct perspectives and impose their own requirements in terms of verification of information (“custom” surveys, or no survey at all). However, scientific analysis does not support this lack of standardization.

However, good intentions are not lacking.

Also, additional work seemed urgent and necessary to be able to capitalize on existing resources, in order to make them homogeneous and accessible by all. Introducing an additional requirement on the quantitative and qualitative level also appeared interesting through this project and in order to allow the most rational evaluation possible of the information collected.


Its purpose is to provide scientists with open material and a certain ethics in terms of publication, an effort to be made on:

  • the completeness and quality of the information collected,
  • systematic identification of sources of information (traceability),
  • the methodological evaluation of the credibility of the information.
  • the contextualization of phenomena,
  • information sharing (in different formats).

In this context, it is thus a question of developing and publishing standards and methods for collecting and distributing information. In order to "normalize" the data and make it "ready to use"; this without having to constantly refer to the methods of elaboration and constitution of information. This meta-base being in essence totally open and transparent.

Access to the Datas

The wiki data was coupled to a geographical database. This is so that a modification of the cases via the wiki automatically leads to the updating of all the maps and data displayed. This mode of operation allows everyone to participate, as well as to keep a history and backup of modifications by the mechanisms specific to the wiki.


An interactive map of the world allows you to move, zoom and click directly on the cases to view the detail (for this last feature you need to zoom enough, up to level 11 or lower - this can be quite slow considering large volume of data). The maps configured below can be consulted directly:

France Grande Bretagne et Irlande Australie
Europe Etats-Unis Japon

Synchronization with Google Maps

The maps developed are based on a system of layers allowing synchronization of "Google Map" base maps with independent data. This mode of operation makes it possible to avoid having to go through Google's graphic APIs which are too cumbersome to manage the display of texts or vector objects, especially when the latter become numerous.

Statistics related to the data displayed

  • Number of cases observed per week/month
    • Filter possible on a date range

Display criteria

  • Speed
  • Size of observed objects
  • Direction of disappearance
  • Object having suddenly appeared or disappeared

Direct Access

The numbering has no other meaning than to represent the order of entry and to serve as a unique identifier.

Catalog of cases and search tool

The Catalog of cases offers a tabular mode of access to data, as well as various search tools.

Data sources used

A certain number of connectors are provided to allow the recognition of data from other sites by this tool.

Models (or templates) used for the database

Les modèles ci-après sont pris en compte dès lors qu'il sont insérés dans une page nommée "UFO:Cases:xxx".

The models below are taken into account as soon as they are inserted into a page named "UFO:Cases:xxx".

  • Modèle:UFO:Event : Template to use to enter a testimonial. There may be several testimonials per case.
    • The cards featured in this template are notably activated when associated with a case page.
  • Modèle:Ref:Investigation : Template used to record case investigation reports. There may be several investigations per case.
Number of cases